California State Water Resources Control Board
On March 12, 2013 I made a letter titled "REQUEST FOR RESPONSE" a kind of
FOIA request to your agency for an information on who between Mr. Wes Wilkinson
and Ms Christine Gordon is the legally mandated manager of Ms Debbie Zuccala
and a request for the WWTP Certification application documents and educational
credentials which I have submitted to your office with corresponding annotations and
signatures thereon of Mr Wes Wilkinson, Ms Debbie Zuccala and Ms Anna Hernandez
to show proof that they have examined those documents prudently and diligently and
have determined that my educational credentials could not merit the 6 educational point
requirement for Grade 1 operator examination. On May 12, 2013 your agency has
deemed denied my requests on the ground that I have not received any response from
your office. Copy of my request letter " REQUEST FOR RESPONSE" is enclosed.
The information which I have requested is clearly releasable under FOIA and, in my
opinion, may not validly be protected by any of the Act's exemptions.
I trust that upon re-consideration, you will reverse the decision denying me access to
these information and materials and grant my original request.
I would appreciate your expediting the consideration of my appeal in every way possible.
In any case, I will expect to receive your decision within 20 business days, as required
by the statute.
Thank you for your assistance.
Antonio L. Buensuceso Jr.