The TRUTH will set you FREE.
shared fromSan Diego Free Press |
Posted: 14 Aug 2015 10:36 AM PDT
By Doug Porter While there is near-universal agreement about the sorry state of San Diego’s infrastructure, building a consensus on the ways and means of getting the job done has proved to be challenging. The Mayor’s office has been very public about wanting a deal to build a new football stadium, but conversations about how to keep the roads to that stadium in shape and the pipes carrying all the recycled beer away have been muted. And then there’s the Convention Center, where monies that could have been used for keeping the building in shape were gambled on an improbable expansion plan. [Read more...]
Posted: 14 Aug 2015 08:41 AM PDT
Losing species to climate change By Sarah “Steve” Mosko / Boogie Green It’s common knowledge that polar bears, and their primary prey the ringed seal, might go extinct this century as the Arctic sea ice melts because rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) are warming the planet. Hearing this news, many Americans likely felt something akin to, “Gee, that’s a shame,” but the country did little more than shrug its collective shoulders before getting back to business as usual. But news keeps coming about species threatened by climate change via habitats becoming unlivable or collapsing of food webs. The latest sting came from Canadian researchers at the University of Ottawa who concluded that dozens of bumblebee species in North America and Europe could be headed for extinction because the southern reach of their habitat is becoming too hot. The study appeared in the July 10 issue of Sciencemagazine. [Read more...]
Posted: 14 Aug 2015 08:40 AM PDT
The Greek gods have been evicted from Olympus The financial crisis is a mythological boulder Sisyphus can't keep from rolling downhill into red [Read more...]
Posted: 14 Aug 2015 08:38 AM PDT
Erik Loomis / Lawyers, Guns and Money Sarah Jaffe has an excellent discussion of the relationship between police unions and the rest of the labor movement at Truthout. UAW Local 2865, which represents California graduate students, has pushed for the AFL-CIO to kick out the one police union that remains in the federation, the International Union of Police Associations (IUPA). This has received some attention and is worthy of more. Jaffe makes a number of key points. First, as the quote I used for the title points out, busting police unions isn’t going to change police behavior at all. The problem is police culture. ... [Read more...]
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