Dear Friend,
You've fought for climate action. Along with your friends, family, neighbors, and 2.4 million other Sierra Club members and supporters, you've been calling on our leaders to protect our communities from pollution that burns our lungs and wrecks our climate. And don't ever let anyone tell you that your voice hasn't made a difference.
President Obama announced his final Clean Power Plan today, and it was because you made a difference. This is the moment to go all-in for climate action. Send a message to your senators and U.S. representative -- tell them not to let big polluters roll back all your hard work. The Clean Power Plan is the boldest action America has taken on climate change. Power plants are America's single largest source of the carbon pollution that fuels climate disruption, intensifies extreme weather, and threatens the health of our families. And the Clean Power Plan sets the United States on a path to cut that pollution by 30%. There's no denying the threat of climate change, but fossil fuel billionaires and their friends on Capitol Hill are puffing out a toxic smokescreen of misinformation and fear while they work day and night to derail the Clean Power Plan. In fact, Senator Mitch McConnell tried to block the Clean Power Plan last year -- before it was even written.1 The Clean Power Plan is your plan for a healthy climate -- don't let the polluters get the last word! Take action to make sure your senators and representative stand up for people, not polluters. As long as polluter money flows into Washington, we'll have a fight on our hands. But people power beats big money every time, and 100,000 messages to the Senate TODAY can make all the difference. Send your message now! Thanks for all you do for our climate, Mary Anne Hitt Beyond Coal Campaign Director Share this action on Facebook Share this action on Twitter 1) Mitch McConnell launches pre-emptive strike on EPA climate rule, Politico, 1/16/14 | |
The TRUTH will set you FREE.
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