In my opinion, the most effective moment or sequence in the segment is on time 2.30 when the chicken is in front of the running jeep, then jump-cut to the guys walking toward the jeep for for maybe less two seconds, then back again to the chicken which is now under the truck exiting out in front of the left rear tire. I think this is close to a perfectly timed sequencing. . The sound track variations are matched with what are being displayed on the screen The use of silence greatly added to the sense of mystery at the start, then gradual application of percussion in tune with the sort of a Latino festivity in somewhat violent environment added suspense and excitement, offered by the chicken being chased after release from captivity; then a lull, a period of indecisiveness on part of the actor, then a a flashback in time to the year 19sixties
on part of the actor where he was on the similar situation. The revolving camera application
around the actor while the scene transform from the present to the 19sixties is really awesome.
Nevertheless, may I be allowed to expound on some instances I think needed to be refined and I have them illustrated below:
The chicken not moving at all at time 3.57 is just 2 feet away from the actor but on
the next slide at time 3.58 the chicken, though not moving at all, looked like 30 feet away
from the actor
On this slide the chicken, not moving at all which is supposed to be just about
two feet away from the actor now looked 30 feet away.
Those two guys are walking towards the camera at time 4.21
but after 11 seconds of brisk walking they seemed to be farther
away from the camera as shown on the next slide.
Those two guys farthest from the camera should have passed
the fence given that they are walking fast in a matter of 11 seconds
as they were already closer to the fence as shown on the slide above.
White clothing missing on the bigger ellipse and there is a piece of
wood on the smaller ellipse
White pieces of clothing now appearing which are missing from the slide
above while the piece of wood is now missing which can be seen from the slide above.
The TRUTH will set you FREE.