Koch Brothers EXPOSED:
The TRUTH will set you FREE.
Published on Jan 21, 2015
Billionaires David and Charles Koch have been handed the ability to buy our democracy in the form of giant checks to the House, Senate, and soon, possibly even the Presidency. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy1U... GET INVOLVED! Sign up: http://bit.ly/1wFXujJHost a FREE screening: http://bravenewfilms.org/screenings
The last time we exposed the Koch Brothers' dealings to the world we here at Brave New Films wound up in their crosshairs. They produced online ad campaigns attacking us, but, it takes more than a banner ad to slow us down.
We've reissued Koch Brothers Exposed in an updated version, Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition, to shine a light on them. We've delved even deeper into where their money is going, who their money is hurting, and how much they are making during this whole process leading up to the 2014 Elections.
Two years ago when we made this film very few people knew who the Koch Brothers were or what the Koch Brothers were doing. But now, we so strongly believe that everyone should know what is happening that with your help and donations we are able to offer the film for free. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to see the truth.
(5:11) How the Koch Brothers use Citizens United to corrupt democracy
(7:11) The Koch plan to re-segregate public schools
(17:11) Koch University: Rewriting your Education
Is your school on the list http://www.bravenewfilms.org/koch_get...
(21:02) Kochs VS The Minimum Wage
(25:09) Kochs & Voter Suppression
(31:26) Koch Attacks on Unions
(34:54) The Koch plan to dismantle Social Security
(38:20) Kochs & The Environment
(40:52) How the Koch Brothers Cause Cancer by dumping their toxic waste everywhere
The last time we exposed the Koch Brothers' dealings to the world we here at Brave New Films wound up in their crosshairs. They produced online ad campaigns attacking us, but, it takes more than a banner ad to slow us down.
We've reissued Koch Brothers Exposed in an updated version, Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition, to shine a light on them. We've delved even deeper into where their money is going, who their money is hurting, and how much they are making during this whole process leading up to the 2014 Elections.
Two years ago when we made this film very few people knew who the Koch Brothers were or what the Koch Brothers were doing. But now, we so strongly believe that everyone should know what is happening that with your help and donations we are able to offer the film for free. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to see the truth.
(5:11) How the Koch Brothers use Citizens United to corrupt democracy
(7:11) The Koch plan to re-segregate public schools
(17:11) Koch University: Rewriting your Education
Is your school on the list http://www.bravenewfilms.org/koch_get...
(21:02) Kochs VS The Minimum Wage
(25:09) Kochs & Voter Suppression
(31:26) Koch Attacks on Unions
(34:54) The Koch plan to dismantle Social Security
(38:20) Kochs & The Environment
(40:52) How the Koch Brothers Cause Cancer by dumping their toxic waste everywhere
The TRUTH will set you FREE.