Working for Shell didn’t stop me having morals or accepting climate change, says Mark Moody-Stuart
The Guardian has published anotherarticle by former Royal Dutch Shell Group Chairman, Sir Mark Moody-Stuart.
He is apparently attempting to deal with the recent suggestion by Jonathan Porritt that oil company employees should conducer quitting their jobs on moral grounds.
Sir Mark says that working for Shell didn’t stop him from having morals or accepting climate change.
He clearly holds himself in high esteem.
Surprising, since all manner of unethical activity took place during his time at the top of Shell, including:
- Cloak and dagger activities targeting Greenpeace, The BodyShop and other perceived Shell enemies by a private spy firm in which his titled colleagues on the Shell Transport and Trading Company board were major shareholders and the ultimate spymasters.
- Undercover activities directed at my family and me by Shell. Activities that I made him personally aware of and that Shell was forced to admit in writing.
- Spectacularly bad survey results generated from a survey involving over a 1,000 Shell petrol stations in the UK, which revealed that 75% who participated, thought Shell was an unethical company.
- The seeds of the reserves scandal that were sown by his hydrocarbon value creation teams.
- Environmental abuses in Nigeria, including unfulfilled promises to end gas flaring.
Sir Mark strove to retain his high self regard even when boss of Anglo American and continues to do so although now in bed with the hardline Saudi regime. The regime that sentenced a blogger to a 1,000 lashes and are threatening to upgrade that insane sentence to a death penalty.
Under the circumstances, it is a bit rich for Sir Mark to give himself a pass as being a person of high integrity.
It would be fairer to leave that assessment to the judgement of impartial observers.
Having said all of that, I do think that Sir Mark’s natural inclination, encouraged by his good wife, is to act with integrity, more so than with most past and current leaders in the extractive industries.
Bidness Etc looks at Shell Chairman’s speech to employees, advocating lower carbon emissions. He believes the society needs to find a middle path to address climate change
Shell’s Ollila Says Society Must Find ‘Middle Way’ on Climate Change: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: 4 MARCH 2015
The TRUTH will set you FREE.